Monday, April 20, 2009

Jet Lag Sucks!

Meighan had NO interest in sleeping the first night home. We took turns holding her and trying to get her to sleep at least a little! No luck! I finally got up at 6:30 but was a zombie! Tony got about 4 hours of sleep. I got none and I don't do very well without sleep.

Finally at about 10:30 am, Tony was preparing to go run errands so I could start laundry and sleep a bit. He was going to take Meighan. Meighan had laid down on our bed face down while we were talking and we realized she was asleep! She had literally CRASHED!

So Tony went and did his errands and I put Meighan in her crib. She cries every time we put her in her crib -- even if she's obviously been asleep! It didn't take long for her to go back to sleep, though. Tony came home later and got her up after two hours. He let me sleep for 4 hours.

Sunday we "slept in." I got up at 7:00 and Meighan finally woke up at 9:30 (after finally going down about 3:00!). Tony didn't get up till 10:30. We made a shopping stop to get some smaller clothes and then went down to my parents' for lunch and to get the tool truck. For lunch Meighan had ham (yummy!), scalloped potatoes (more yum!) and asparagus! She actually ate it and kept eating it! She threw peas on the floor, though! Also was not interested in mandarine oranges. Oh, well.

We stayed till my brother's family stopped by after a ballgame. When they got there they were greeted with blowing kisses and waves and they thought that was so funny! When we finally left I drove the car home and had trouble staying awake! It also felt weird to drive after not driving for 2 1/2 weeks!

We got home and then Meighan and I went to Bible Study. It technically wasn't a class this week. It was a presentation on Thailand. Meighan did very well thanks to it was time for her bottle and I had crackers and Cheerios along. We also walked along the empty back row several times.

Got her down at midnight last night so will try the same thing but earlier tonight as we have to get up early for her evaluation tomorrow.


Ellie said...

I am so glad you are keeping up the posts. It has become my obsession to check on updates of you and Meighan. ... love the pic on this post, she is so happy and cute :)

rustytruck50 said...

Meighan is adorable!! The three of you make such a wonderful family...may you continue to be so richly blessed. Hope to see the three of you real soon...that is after the jet lag subsides! (Ok, ok, maybe a day or two later!)