Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Father's Day and Other Pictures

Here's this year's Father's Day picture. We are really liking the fact that she has more hair this year. When we take her shirt off for bathtime or pajama time, she looks "up" and turns her head back and forth so that she feels her hair on her back. It's kinda cute.

And here's a few other recent pictures.

Saying Grace.

I had gone to a motivational seminar on Monday and my mom stayed with Meighan. She didn't/wouldn't take a nap. However, while we ate supper (she didn't want to eat right then), she was leaning up against the couch and we realized it had been quiet for quite some time! Tony looked in on her and she was finally asleep! Standing up with her head on Mickey Mouse.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Article About Holt's "China Child of Promise" Program

I recently received an email from someone at Holt who had found our blog online and wanted us to write an article about our experience with Holt's China Child of Promise program. I wrote something up and it is now online. You can see the whole enewsletter here and click on the article about Meighan from this page.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Look How Far She's Come!

A year ago, Meighan wouldn't have anything to do with her bare feet on grass, but now...

And today, we attended the Nebraska Children's Home Society's free family event called "Sand in the City" and look what she did today...!