Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer Haircut (and temporary mohawk!)

Dawson needed a haircut so Tony was going to take him in on Saturday and they both get haircuts.  He kept threatening to have Dawson's hair cut and styled into a Mohawk.  I had to go along and take pictures.  He's going to be SOOOO much cooler with a short haircut this summer!

Starting the shave
Quite long before she styled it up!
She had kinda funky hair, too!
All done!
Then he got a blue sucker!
All ready for summer!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

VBS and Father's Day

Wow!  What a whirlwind of a week this was!

VBS was Monday through Friday mornings.  Meighan was in the Kindergarten class this year.  I helped with games.  Meighan absolutely LOVED it.  Me, not so much.

The way they do VBS is just so hectic and crazy I don't know how anyone can get anything out of it!  Maybe it's not so bad being a kid in VBS but the leaders/volunteers are just run ragged!

Meighan especially likes the music and the actions they do to the songs.  The songs are cool, some contemporary new songs and others are jazzed up old hymns.  So now when Meighan hears one of the old hymns, she actually recognizes it as something she learned in VBS even if it's done in a traditional style.

They did a service project where they donated money to help supply school supplies to a school in a third world country.  They raised over $2500!

Today, Father's Day, was the VBS celebration during church where the kids sang their songs for everyone.  Another hectic day.  I kind of wish they would have VBS on a different week so that Father's Day can be FATHER'S DAY like Mother's Day is Mother's Day!

Anyway, we finished up at church and came home and grilled some chicken and vegetables and potatoes in foil packets for lunch.  Then three of the people took naps.  I did not get a nap as I needed to get caught up on things that didn't get done last week!  Later on we went to Tony's brother's house for a pot luck with his family.  After we got home from that, we had a Father's Day photo session!  Here are the results.