Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Milestones and Re-Adoption

We went to the pediatrician yesterday for Meighan's "6-month well-baby checkup". The office was confused since she's 21 months old. I always have to explain the adoption thing. Meighan has always hated having her face/head touched so the doctor looking in her ears was not pleasant. Also, she didn't particularly like him listening to her lungs, heart and tummy, and the vaccinations even less! She had quite a few vaccinations while in China so she only has to continue where she left off. I wasn't going to "start over."

Last night she reached another milestone of trust. Tony took her outside to play on the swingset and slide. I was working in the kitchen and he knocked on the window and told me to come watch. Meighan climbed up the slide ladder by herself (which she has been able to do for a while now) and got all set and Tony was at the bottom of the slide and coaxed her a bit and she slid down the slide ALL BY HERSELF! I had no words for the moment -- I was so happy!

She's also a little helper when it comes to emptying the dishwasher. She likes to pull the silverware out and hand it to me to put away. That's all I let her do right now (I pull any dangerous things out before she starts). It's really cool how she is learning so much and so much of it is copying us! Wow! What a responsibility!

We are getting ready to re-adopt her in Nebraska so we can get a birth certificate for her. We've spoken to a lawyer and he expects the hearing to be sometime in November, which is cool because November is National Adoption Month. This is another reason we had to go to the doctor so he could fill out a form for the Nebraska Children's Home who is doing our 6-month update report for China and sending the paperwork to the lawyer.

Well, Tony is planning to be racing on Sunday assuming it's not raining, so Meighan and I and my mom and maybe dad are going to the Omaha Chinese Cultural Association's Full Moon Festival in the afternoon. Hopefully we'll learn some more about that Chinese holiday. They have a LOT of holidays in China, the biggest and most important of which is the Chinese New Year in January or February, depending on the moon.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Too Smart For Her Own Good!

We have found Meighan on top of the kitchen table at least a couple of times since we've come home. We had to move the one chair so it was harder for her to get onto it and then onto the table. Well, yesterday the chair was not pushed all the way in so she found her way up onto the kitchen table and my glasses were up there. She knows how to get the case open and she bent my glasses out so far that we had to make a trip to the mall last night to get them fixed. They will do for now because they are only my reading glasses.

Then, also last night after we got home from the mall, Meighan decided she wanted to be in her high chair. She has figured out how to push the chair that the high chair is strapped to over to the red stool and climb the stool and then over to the high chair. We've had boxes on the red stool for a while which has prevented this...until now. We also have two bar stools under the island and Meighan pushes them around just for something to do. Last night, she pushed one of them OVER TO THE HIGH CHAIR, climbed it and then climbed into the high chair!!!! I told Tony he needed to come see what his daughter did. He came into the kitchen and saw the situation and said "she's too smart for her own good!"

We've also been trying to get her to stay in childcare at church, partly for the socialization and partly so that I might be able to take her to Bible Study while Tony stays home and gets some things done. We tried again today and she lasted most of the service! We got the pager buzz right at the end of the sermon. Hopefully she will last longer next week.

We went to the Nebraska State Fair on Tuesday and Meighan finally got to see some BIG horses up close. We saw some Perscherons (sp?) and, of course, the Clydesdales. Wow! Those are BIG horses! We had some ice cream and ate lunch that was better than the normal state fair fare. It was quite a nice day weather wise and I'm glad we went because this was the last fair in Lincoln. Next year it will move to Grand Island, which is a longer drive and I doubt I'll go as often when it moves.

We found a winter coat for her today. It's too big but it's only a 12-month size! She might even be able to wear it NEXT winter!

Enjoy the pictures in the next post.

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