Thursday, October 22, 2009

Two More Teeth!

Meighan has 2 more teeth coming in -- that makes 16 teeth! The tooth just to the right of her two front teeth had not come in yet when we got home from China and the orthodontist that looked at her in the cranial facial team's evaluation said to take her to a pediatric dentist and have it x-ray'd to see if it was there and just late in coming in or if it wasn't there (due to that's the side her cleft was on). I took her to a dentist in May and that dentist did not want to x-ray her and he wasn't worried about it yet. So now that tooth and another one on the bottom is coming in. Now she just needs 4 more molars and she'll have all 20 of her baby teeth! Yippee!

Today Meighan and I went to the attorney's office to drop off more papers and sign the petition for a hearing for adoption finalization. Tony went later on his lunch time. We STILL need another paper from Holt before he can file the petition so hopefully we'll get that late next week. I didn't know we needed this paper until the attorney told me yesterday that we needed it. PAPERWORK, PAPERWORK, PAPERWORK! Wow!

Well, all the deciduous trees on our place have pretty much lost all of their leaves. There are still trees along the roads that have leaves and they are such brilliant colors this year thanks to all the rain and cooler temps we had during the summer! It has rained all day today and will rain into tomorrow. (We've had over an inch here so far.) Then it's supposed to dry off. We need SEVERAL days of dry, warmer weather to get the crops dried up again so the farmers can get their harvesting done.

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