Tuesday, October 6, 2009

No More Bottles/Formula!

Two days in a row now Meighan has basically refused her bottle/formula in the morning. I guess that means she no longer needs it! Yippee! That means no more buying expensive formula! (And I think I can have my counter back now!) She's drinking quite a bit of milk from a cup and seems to LOVE milk -- a girl after my own heart!

The next step will be to potty train her. Maybe it will be easy and maybe not. She sometimes doesn't really like change.

She and I went to the OCCA Full Moon Festival on Sunday and got LOTS of fresh air. We met some new people and even saw some people we knew! Other FCC families were there, too, so that was fun. The Chinese Full Moon Festival is kind of like the American Thanksgiving where they have family reunions and eat lots of food.

Tony raced in a benefit race on Sunday and won his class and then won the run-off between the box and no box class! Pretty good for not racing much earlier in the year!

My progress on my medical transcription class is slow but steady. Still, finding time to study is the hardest part. I just started the last lesson in the third course. Then I have two more courses to go.

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