Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pint-Sized Pirate & Half-Pint Pumpkin

Well, here it is, at long last!  Meighan likes pirates so I suggested she be a pirate this year for Halloween.  I made the costume.  I'm not a real experienced sewer but this looked like something I could handle.  After asking questions via email and phone to my mom, I finally finished the vest.  I got the pants done and we found a long-sleeved white shirt that she could wear.  Then I made the belt so she could put her sword somewhere and not have to carry it all the time.  We may (or may not) figure out how to have the parrot perch on her shoulder.  If not, she'll just have to carry him.

This shows the scarf/hat style.  She wanted this style.
Dawson is really too young for Halloween.  If we only had him we wouldn't go out this year.  We didn't take Meighan trick-or-treating until last year.  So anyway, I was at a children's consignment store a few weeks ago and happened to walk past the costume rack so I looked for something that is 18-month size and found this costume.  It didn't cost much so I bought it.  Just put it on him tonight and it's a little small.  He's NOT thrilled about it and he kept throwing the hat off the deck.  Oh, well.
This is what he thinks of his costume.


Ladybug Dragon said...

Meighan is adorable! I hope she loves it! I'm sorry your pumpkin didn't like being a pumpkin! I'm sure he'll enjoy dressing up next year!

Dombeck Family said...

Way to go Sue! Awesome sewing. I need to get back into more of that. Makenna is going to be a witch this year and Robbie a Monkey. Kenna's we made from leftovers from other costumes and I broke down and bought Robbie's at Old Navy.