Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Day of Pre-K!

Yesterday was Meighan's first day of Pre-Kindergarten.  I went in to work late.  I took Dawson to daycare and then Meighan to her new school.  We were super early and were told to wait in the lobby.  We watched all kinds of kids walking through from their busses (I think).  Finally I asked someone if we could go back to the room.  She said she would check.  In the meantime, someone else told us we could go on back.

The first person was coming back and introduced herself as the speech pathologist.  I told her she would get to work with Meighan!  I was very glad to meet her.

We got back to the room and there was already a line of parents/full families (!) bringing their kids to pre-K.  My impression was "I hope most of the kids speak English!".  I filled out a contact sheet and Meighan was pulled into the room with her teacher who started getting kids involved right from the start.  I got a packet of booklets and forms to fill out and gave Meighan a hug and kiss and went to work.

When I picked her up from daycare, she said "I had fun at school today!"  She said the same thing today.  I hope that continues for a VERY long time!

She also has a sudden interest in learning to tie her shoes!  Yippee!  So we started last night with some cards I had bought last February and she ALMOST has it down already!

So, we had a great start to the school year!

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