Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Whew!  We had a BUSY day!  We went to church this morning and then stopped at Taco Bell for some lunch, came home and ate it and then finally got off to the zoo.  The remodeled aquarium sure is nice!  The zoo itself wasn't as crowded as I expected it to be and the aquarium wasn't crowded at all for it having just reopened on Thursday.  We got there about 1:45 and stayed until after 5:00 when it was in the process of closing.  Dawson didn't sleep at all while we were there but fell asleep as we were leaving the zoo.  Tony got him in the car and I got him in the house without him waking completely and he slept about an hour total.  It was nice to eat supper without him crying.

Also, yesterday we went to the Easter Egg hunt at church.  Since it rained in the morning, they cancelled racing for the day so Tony did other things here.

Here are some pictures of the Easter Egg hunt and of today.

I want to make sure I get all the eggs I possibly can!

Maybe he won't notice me taking another egg out to open if I watch him REAL CLOSE!

Look at all this loot!


Ah!  She CAUGHT me!

Decorating a cookie with frosting....

and sugar! ...

... and then it got eaten as soon as this picture got taken!

Dawson's not into posing for pictures!

I love this picture!

"Riding a baby elephant"

I love his smile!  I can really only get him to smile this big by tickling him!

1 comment:

linxx said...

Cute, cute, cute!!!
