Friday, March 16, 2012

We Have A WISE Little Girl!

Tonight Tony is going to a visitation of a racing friend who passed away last week.  Meighan wanted to go along but he said she couldn't go this time.  She asked "Why?" like all 4-year-olds should and he said he was going to visit a friend for the last time.  He told her his friend had died.  She still wanted to go but he still said no because it will be sad.  She continued to ask questions about where Daddy's friend is.  He said that he's living in heaven with Jesus.

She then said, "But that's not sad!"


Tasha said...

Aww... sweet girl! So true! Have you read the book, "Heaven is For Real?"

It's really good and there is a children's version of it too.


Amy Cantilina said...

HI Sue! I just got done watching your gotcha' day video and it was so sweet! (so sorry that Bella screamed the whole way through it...yikes!)

Your Meighan is such a cutie pie! How is she taking to Dawson? Hope all is going well!

Blessings, Amy