Saturday, February 11, 2012

For Those Coming to Zhengzhou Soon...

I had heard that the Crowne Plaza was really smokey.

Our room is on the 3rd floor which is a non-smoking floor and we don't smell smoke in our room. We DO smell smoke in the public areas but it is not terrible. There is free wi-fi in the lobby so we have to come down here to check email and blog.


Lila said...

I have really enjoyed following your blog! This brings back SO MANY WONDERFUL memories of when we were in China. I can't believe it's been almost two years. It's 11:00 Saturday night and I am about ready to go to bed. By the time I wake up you will have your sweet little boy :-) I am SO EXCITED to hear all about it! Enjoy this time getting to know your son and know that you have a lot of people praying for your family. God is Good!!

Tasha said...

It is so good to read this :) I was really getting worried after all of the reviews I read.


linxx said...

No free wi-fi in the hotel room? Oh man! We'll have to pay, then, because we NEED to check our emails on a regular basis for our business. Good to also hear it's not super smokey. Did you end up using your Febreze? I'm going to transfer some into a smaller spray bottle :).
