Thursday, October 27, 2011

Visa Applications Sent

Wow!  Does this make it feel more "real" or what?

I took our Visa applications to FedEx today.  That sure makes it feel more close to leaving even though we still have 2 1/2 months or so to wait yet!  And because of all the holiday stuff between now and then, it's going to go REALLY FAST!

Oh, my gosh!  We have to get his room ready!  What to do with the twin beds?

Oh, my gosh!  We have to pack!  And get him some clothes (closer to travel time, though! so receipts for returns don't expire)!  And buy gifts for the orphanage and officials (apparently, now).

We are again dreading the long flights, but again, we've survived them before (as many others have) and we'll survive them again!  But still... THIRTEEN HOURS!  At least we have an iPad now (and I bought all the Angry Birds apps)!  Books!  Toys!  DIAPERS!  Oh, my!  So much to do!  Aaach!

1 comment:

TJ and Ron Gorman said...

Yeah!!!! I hear ya :) We haven't bought any of that stuff yet either and we leave in less than 2 weeks... Ugh!! But did get a few scripts from the doc to help with the travel and the sleep transition.