Thursday, June 30, 2011

We're Logged In!

(The following post was written in a notebook but not actually posted on the blog until we received our referral because we didn’t tell our family that we were in process. We waited until we had the referral for our son before we published on the blog because we wanted to do this “covertly” and have it be a surprise to as many people as possible.)

Today (for about the 1000th time) I checked Holt’s website for LIDs (Log In Dates) and FINALLY(!) they got word from the CCCWA that we were logged in in China! Our LID is June 20. Yippee! Now we just have to wait for the next CCOP release of the shared list! That may come before (or possibly DURING) our cruise! We just have to wait and see!

All month we’ve been thinking about what COULD happen, checking out the email and cell phone service and costs on the ship and in Alaska. I’ve contacted doctors and have, at this point, heard back from one of two. I’ve asked for referrals for specialists because Holt asked us to look at the list of minor and correctable conditions again because they say that cleft lip only is very rare. So, based on the conditions we have decided we are open to, I will be contacting orthopedists, ophthalmologists and a plastic surgeon, just in case we receive a referral that needs one of those specialists.

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