Thursday, December 16, 2010

She's 3!

Today our little girl turned 3 years old!  She understands a little more this year about presents, etc. but she didn't quite know what to think about everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to her the other night.  She got three presents to open tonight from us (no we're NOT going to give her 4 presents next year, 5 the next, etc.  It just worked out that way this time.)

And this is her the other night blowing out her candles on her rainbow birthday cake.  She did it several times and she's quite good at it!

She can now finally bounce/hop on something that's MEANT to be hopped on!

The other night we made pfefferneusse (a Danish recipe of a kind of cookie we make for Christmas).  Meighan and Daddy put the pieces on the cookie sheets after I got them rolled out and cut up.  It really didn't take too long.  It takes MUCH longer with one person doing it all!

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Thank you for the sweet comments, as always, Sue! It is so amazing to see how God works through us in such ordinary ways, isn't it?

Meighan is SO big! She is a beautiful girl, and it looks like she had a GREAT birthday! Hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas as well.