Friday, August 20, 2010

Painting a Moving Target

A while back Meighan helped me shake up my nail polish bottles. Then she wanted to shake them up again. That's what she thought they were for--to hear the little balls shake inside them. So I painted my little fingernail and said that's what this is for. I asked her if she wanted her nails painted. No. So I painted my whole hand. Do you want this? No. So I painted my other hand. THIS is what it's for. It's nail polish. Do you want that on your fingernails? No. And she wouldn't let me pick her up. So I took it off.

The other day she wanted me to paint her nails. Then when I got the bottle open, she didn't want her nails painted. So I put the brush away and then she changed her mind...again. (This is normal for her!) I got her one hand painted and then heard a car door. Our speech therapist was arriving. So I painted her other hand real quick. Not a great paint job by any means! I told her to hold her hands up like this (TEN FINGERS!). She greeted the speech therapist like that and WELL after they had time to dry, she wouldn't use her hands. It was quite funny!

So as of today, she's had nail polish on for almost 48 hours. She looks at her nails every once in a while and we say "pretty nails!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a gorgeous blog.

My name is Tessa and I work for "All Girls Allowed" -- a new nonprofit in Boston dedicated to uncovering the truth and fighting for the end of the one-child policy.

We'd love to talk to you about doing some sort of article or media piece together! :). Want to email me at for more information?

Thanks!! God bless you and your lovely family.