Sunday, July 18, 2010


As of today, we have had Meighan longer than she was in the orphanage. Tony sat down a while back and figured this out.

I often wonder what her life would be like if she had been raised by her birthparents.

Currently, she enjoys watching (parts) of Disney movies such as "The Little Mermaid," "Snow White," and "Finding Nemo." She also likes a video that was taped at Disney World with the characters and some kids doing various beach songs and dances. She doesn't quite get the non-instant gratification of rewinding the video tape, though! She has accepted it more lately but more often now she is requesting the DVD movies.

Last Monday, she and I went to our friends from church house to play with their 18-month-old daughter. Aubree usually tends to cry when someone other than her immediate family picks her up, but I caught her in a pretty good mood at one point. I picked up Meighan and said "take our picture!" Both girls (13 months apart in age) weigh the same right now -- 23 pounds EACH! I was holding 46 pounds! See the strain on my face?


carly said...

oh my they are both to cute for words. i am amazed at how different she looks now then she did in the photos to the left of the screen. its amazing what being in a loving and stable home does for a childs smile!

Ellie said...

I agree with Carly... beautiful smile. She seems so happy.

Kayce said...

Hi Sue...I'm so glad you stopped by my blog and said hi. It's a wonderful treat to "meet" you! Your daughter is just precious. I hope your summer has been wonderful for you guys. I can't wait to check back in with you again!