Thursday, May 27, 2010

10 Years Ago Today...

Tony and I were married in a lovely ceremony that was part of a very fun day. I remember we needed rain very badly at this time 10 years ago. People were saying it would be OK if it rained on Saturday but I said, "No! Wait 'til Sunday!" It was a sunny, slightly overcast day but it didn't rain. We were even able to take some pictures outside!

We have been through a lot in 10 years! We've gotten to travel some (Florida, California, Colorado, South Dakota, Kansas, Ohio, North Carolina, and probably some other states that I'm not specifically remembering at the moment, 2 cruises (Bahamas and Southern Caribbean), Mexico 3 times, and of course CHINA!). We doubled the size of our house (mostly by ourselves and learned a lot in the process) over about 5 years. We lost a cat and added two. We added a daughter. Tony started his own business soon after we got married and he's been doing that most of our 10 years.

I don't think we could have made it 10 years with all we've had to deal with without LOVE.


1 comment:

carly said...

happy belated anniversary!