Friday, April 16, 2010


Our caseworker came this morning for the 12-month report that he has to do. I had all the paperwork, pictures, forms, copies, etc. that he needs to submit and send to Holt. This means we are completely finished with all the adoption paperwork, meetings, reports, pictures and anything else anybody wants from us! Wow! Two years and 2 1/2 months after we sent in the application, we're finally done! What a process!

The process has changed since we started due to the I-800 Hague Convention process that is now in place. As far as I can tell, it's MORE paperwork than we had to do!

I was thinking earlier today that one year ago today, we joined several other adopting families on a big tour bus and drove through the pouring rain in Guangzhou to the US Consulate to take our oaths and get our final paperwork and brown envelopes with our children's citizenship paperwork in them. Other families went directly to the train station. We took the bus back to the hotel and finished packing so that we could fly home the next day. Wow! Wow! Wow!

1 comment:

staciaburt said...

What an exciting journey and a wonderful addition to your family.