Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mmmmmm, Mama and M&Ms

We finally have a new sound! Meighan is saying "Mmmmmm" while she's eating food. She's also started saying the sounds for "mama" and "mom"! That's probably the best Christmas present I could receive! We've been wanting that sound/word for quite some time. The orphanage told us she could say "mama" and "baba" but we haven't heard it until recently.

Also last night she wanted some candy out of her Santa sack and I had tried earlier giving her an m&m but she didn't take it. So, I ate one last night and she put one in her mouth and it came back out. We tried again and she ate it...and wanted more!

Actually, eating ANYTHING right now makes us happy as she's been sick and not wanting to eat much. She's drinking milk and water really well, though.

On top of that, she gave me a cold, too! I hope Tony stays well because he's going to have some plowing to do later this week.

1 comment:

carly said...

YAY! way to go big girl for givin your mommy the best present any mom could ask for!! hope you all feel better soon! cant wait to see christmas pics!