Saturday, August 14, 2010

PIP Class, Day 2

(The following post was written in a notebook but not actually posted on the blog until we received our referral because we didn’t tell our family that we were in process. We waited until we had the referral for our son before we published on the blog because we wanted to do this “covertly” and have it be a surprise to as many people as possible.)

Today was the second day of our PIP training. We all got to know each other better and we all have each other’s phones and email addresses so we can stay in touch. Tony told me later that it would be kind of neat if we got to travel with at least one of the other couples. We’re all going with the China Child of Promise option so we’ll see…

I thought it was good to take a “class” for this training because last time we did the training via DVD and online testing so we didn’t have other people’s input, but this time it was good to bounce things off other people.

We also found out that all Holt needs from us is our criminal checks (waiting for Nebraska State Patrol to send to Holt) and our medical forms and then they can start the Home Study. So…I’ll make appointments with our doctors.

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