Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day and VBS Program

Well, we had a fairly low-key Father's Day yesterday.

We started out by going to church.  Last week was VBS and it was the first year Meighan was eligible to attend.  I decided since I had to take her anyway, I would volunteer.  I helped with snacks.  The logistics of the week were:  get up, take the kids to daycare, go to work, pick up the kids from daycare, go straight to church, eat the food I had brought along for supper, attend Bible School (Dawson in childcare), drive home, go to bed.  Do it all over the next day.  That was some week!  We were very tired and I was sure glad when Thursday evening came, which meant that the evening session of VBS was over.

Tony had his own adventures during the week, most of which involved trying to lure raccoons out of his parents' basement and crawl space!  (They got 'em all four, by the way!)

Meighan LOVED Bible School!  She wanted to wear her Bible School shirt ALL the time!  She loved learning the songs and the motions with them.  I think she can't wait till it's Bible School time again!

In church, the VBS kids were ALL on stage and they sang several songs they learned during the week.  The preschoolers sang the first 3 songs and then went to sit with their parents.  I got video of all 3 songs she was in.  You can see them on our YouTube channel  They are "Fly", "He Arose", and "Our God".

After church we went to Valentino's and took advantage of the 1/2 price Father's Day special.  I was the only one that was "full-price".  Dawson was free and Meighan was priced according to her age.  We ate the wonderful buffet and finished it off with brownie sundaes and an ice cream cone.

Then we came home and slept!  It was Dawson's naptime anyway and Tony & I slept for 2+ hours and Meighan also slept some, even though she never wants to take a nap.  Tony went out and worked on his cars and even took some "alone time" and went for a drive in his Chevelle -- by himself.  That's what HE wanted to do.

Finally, in the evening, I was able to get a picture of Daddy and his TWO kids.

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