We received an email from our contact at CHI today and she said that once they receive the form our caseworker has to sign, we are all ready to go! That felt SOOO GOOD to know that everything is OK and all perfect knowing how much I concentrated on getting this all done and went over everything multiple times before I sent it to DC and again before I sent it to St. Louis! Whew! I will keep checking with our caseworker to see how their approval of the agreement/contract is coming.
We also had to take and send some "family life" pictures to include with the dossier. These are pictures of us doing things at home, more casual pictures. We went out tonight and took a picture of me picking a couple of tomatoes and then a picture of Tony working on his race car (or at least pretending to). I'll get those sent tomorrow and then all we are waiting for is NCHS.
We are SOOO close to getting our dossier sent to China! I hope it can be sent by mid-September.
In another email, the China program was informed today by the Beijing office that CHI will not receive anymore multiple agency waiting children until they are Hague Accredited. This doesn't affect us but does affect those whose dossiers are in China and who were wanting to be matched with a waiting child. If they want a waiting child, they would have to start completely over with a new agency and create a brand new dossier. Any families who have already been matched to a waiting child can still proceed.
In the end for us, timing is such that transferring to Holt is our best option. We would have liked to complete our adoption through CHI but the Hague it not letting that happen.
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