Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Byproduct of Completing a Project

We bought this at Target on sale last January before we went to China.  Meighan has one in her room and I wanted one for Dawson's room.

I finally got the bee in my bonnet today to put it together and actually start USING it!

Well, once I got it up, my two kids (BOTH OF THEM!) started taking the toys that have been on the living room floor for the past 3 1/2 years and moving them in here!  They did it ALL BY THEMSELVES!

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the living room floor!

I HAVE MY FLOOR BACK!  It's almost a shock to walk into the living room and see the entire floor again!  (See the video in the previous post to see how it looked "before".)  I thanked them and hugged them for cleaning up the living room floor.  Meighan kept saying "I'm glad I can clean up your floor, Mommy!"  She was so proud of herself!  And Dawson was quite happy, too!

I'm very happy to have my floor back but ... we'll see how long it lasts!  (I hope a long time!)

I never thought (or expected) that just putting the shelves together would result in getting ALL of the toys into Dawson's room (where they actually belong anyway!).

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