Wednesday, January 11, 2012

And the Countdown Begins ...

We leave four weeks from today!

We booked our flights last night!  Yippee!

We will be leaving on February 8 and returning on February 23!  We will FINALLY meet our son on February 13!

Our plan is to fly to Beijing, get through customs and immigration and then catch another flight to Xi'an.  That will be a LONG day!  We'll spend the night in Xi'an and then take a tour to see the Terra Cotta Warriors the next day.  We'll then spend another night in Xi'an and then take a flight to Zhengzhou in Henan Province on February 11.  We'll have the 12th free and probably take a tour that day.  We'll meet Le An on the 13th.  Then over the next few days we'll do adoption things and visit the orphanage.

On February 17 we'll flight to Guangzhou to finalize the adoption and all that entails.  We'll then probably take a train on February 22 to Hong Kong and stay the night.  Then we'll fly home on the 23rd!

We have a MILLION things to do between now and the 8th!  I can't believe we have finally made our flight reservations, though!


  1. How EXCITING, it is sooooo close. He is such a lucky little boy to be chosen by you guys. I can't wait to meet him.

  2. Yay! I'm so happy for you guys. Are you taking Meigan with you?We're bringing Josiah; he's 4 1/2 yrs old. Hope we see you there! Even though this is both our second adoptions, I am still as nervous as the first!

  3. So, so happy for you guys!!! Counting the days with you and can't wait to see you holding your son!!

  4. Congratulations!!! I stop by your blog from time to time, and we are also adopting from China(travel in the summer, we think?) Have fun packing. God bless you for a wonderful trip to go get your second beautiful child.


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