Thursday, April 9, 2009

Passport Application Day

Well, sleeping in today meant waking up to our new alarm clock at 6:10! I gave Beibei a bottle right away and she gulped it down! We got ready and went down to breakfast. We decided to see what table food she liked. She had oatmeal, a few potatoes, scrambled eggs and then we tried some fruit. She LOVES pineapple! She ate quite a bit of that! She also ate some pieces of grapes.

Since we didn't have to be anywhere till later today, this morning we went to our favorite internet shop and posted yesterday's post. Sorry we aren't posting till way later now. Our schedule kind of changed and shops also close so we can't do it the same day before you get up. After we posted, we bought some chops for each of us. A chop is a stamp of your name. We got ours only in Chinese, but he can also do them with your American name AND Chinese name. He said we can pick them up tonight.

We went to the Play Room again and were the only ones there again. We came back to the room and Beibei fell asleep. It was time for her nap. I also slept a bit.

At 2:45 we met Joyce in the lobby to go to the PSB (Public Service Bureau) to apply for Beibei's passport. They had the adoption certificate for us and told us to verify everything again. Joyce told us that the numbers were our passport numbers. I looked at them and the passports and Tony's was one number off. No one previously had told us those were the passport numbers so we didn't check them. They will correct that number and we'll get the certificate tomorrow, I think. Then we had to go sit in front of another person who took Beibei's picture. Then we were done there.

We got into another cab and went to a BIG local grocery store. This store is underground and is several floors' worth of anything you could imagine. We had a shopping list and were it not for Joyce, we would have gotten SO lost in there! We found a waterproof diaper changing pad since we've had a couple of accidents :-) (!) and we also found Mt. Dew for Tony, apple juice for Beibei (found out later she LOVES that too!), grape juice for me, 2 kinds of crackers for Beibei, potato chips for us and baby rice cereal and instant oatmeal for Beibei. We should be set for a while! We paid and it all came to 59 Yuan (about 8-9 bucks!). Wow! We went back up 3 floors to street level and got a taxi back to the hotel. Wow! What an adventure! I'll take Baker's on a Saturday ANY day! And Joyce said it was slow today!

As we were in line to check out we got the "grandma talk" from a grandma. She said we don't have Beibei in enough clothes. Beibei is very warm -- quite warm enough, thank you!

We went down to the play room again and there were more people there this time. Beibei eventually found the big Lego blocks. She KNOWS how to play with them! She played with them a LONG time, till it was time to go eat. She even put them away! I recorded some of her play to show doctors. We even got more smiles out of her while she played.

We decided to go to the new German restaurant on the island. We eventually found it and Beibei did not like being in the high chair. She looked so sad! Tony held her and then our food came. We cut up little pieces of our food for her to eat. She had some of Tony's Hungarian goulash and noodles and some of my potato dumplings.

After we finished eating, we stopped and picked up our chops and came back to the hotel. We're really tired! My back hurts 'cause I'm not used to carrying around 16 lbs so much!

We have a free day tomorrow.

Beibei is walking. She really likes to walk holding onto one of our fingers.


Anonymous said...

What an awesome adventure. We can't wait to meet BeiBei. It sounds like you guys are doing great as parents already.

Stacia & Scott

Ellie said...

As I was reading through the post, I was thinking that I needed to ask you how her walking was. It's like you read my mind and snuck it in at the end. ...

I am glad to hear she likes so many foods. I will have some special diapers for you at the airport. My cousin's boy had really skinny legs and leaky diapers too, but she found a good brand that leaked less and snugged the skinny legs better.

Warm Wishes,

Mom O said...

It is good to hear from you each day. See email