Today we got to sleep in as long as we wanted to! Although there were two United Methodist Churches nearby (and MANY other churches all along Franklin Road!) we just decided to take it easy this morning. Of course, I was awake before anyone else so I eventually got up and took my shower. Then everyone else eventually woke up. We ate a little breakfast and watched some TV but I didn't want to just watch TV until it was time to go to the Show Hope picnic.
So, I asked the front desk about any parks nearby that we might be able to get to that would have activities for the kids. The person I asked wasn't from the area but told me of a park IN Nashville that would be closer to us than Lipscomb University (where the picnic was). BUT according to my map, that park was farther away than Lipscomb! Also on my map was a park straight down the road a ways. We decided to try that one. We passed a little park and kept driving to see what we could see but decided that was the park on the map.
We got parked and walked behind the building and this little park seemed to be a little recreation area for the people that worked in that building (but it was also open to anyone). Meighan and Dawson started running across the grass to a family that was walking their dog.
We visited briefly with them and then found some stations around the park that people could practice balancing, climbing, etc. We have a couple little monkeys!
He did take his hands away right after I took the picture.
Next we were off to the Show Hope picnic. We drove north on Franklin Road till we got to the road to turn onto for Lipscomb University. We followed signs and found the picnic just as it was starting. We had a fun day! It was warm and we didn't really need much to eat. We got some ice cream and as we were leaving, we got some fried chicken and biscuits and gravy (sounded like a local southern thing to me!) and took it back to the motel. We took naps and then warmed it up for our supper before heading to the concert. It was really quite good and Tony and I could have eaten more!
They each spun a wheel to win a little prize.
Meighan climbed and slid down the big inflatable slide three times!
The second slide, she slid with this little girl. Her brother is behind them. I spoke to their mom. They are all FROM China.
Dawson's balloon sculpture.
Bob and Larry
This would have been a really good picture if it had been in focus!
Face painting!
Almost as tall as the juggler on stilts!
The next post will be about the concert in the evening!