Sunday, February 24, 2013

Lots of Photo Ops Recently!

Well, now that we've been home with Dawson for a year and I've FINALLY posted pictures of our trip, it's time to show some fun recent pictures!

Stacking the cups all by himself!
And Daddy forgot to put the lock on the cabinet doors so the kitchen was all "Pet Freshed"!
Taken at Meighan's school on Valentine's Day when we went to help with the V-Day party.
Praying before supper.
Presidents' Day was warmer than MLK Jr. Day so we went to the zoo despite it snowing a wet snow.  It didn't last long but we were inside buildings for the most part.
Siberian Tiger
The Henry Doorly Zoo has 5 lion cubs being raised by their mother and aunt.
Then on February 21, we had a snow storm come through here.  It took a while to get started but once it did, we got about 8"!  We went out and played in the snow for a little while before it got dark.
Yes, he has pink mittens and pink boots on.  We couldn't find his mittens and he doesn't have his own boots right now so we used Meighan's little ones.
Using the flash while it's snowing creates a cool effect.
Meighan picked out fleece for a no-sew throw and I made this while she took her nap.
The day after the snow storm.
I found a pattern online for a crocheted headband crown.  It's really for babies but there's also instructions for bigger sizes.  Meighan wanted a yellow one (because it's "golden").
Playing in the snow while it's NOT snowing!
We put different mittens on him this time but they wouldn't go through the sleeves of his coat.
I got here.  How do I get out?
So I found some "boy" hat and mittens on clearance so he doesn't have to wear pink ones!
But we'll wait to get him some boots until next year!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


We were up early and ate breakfast and got checked in for our flight home.  I bought Dawson's ticket at the airport.  There were several of our group on our flight to Chicago.  A few hours in Chicago airport and reports of bad weather that didn't affect us and we were on our last plane home!  There were around 40 people at the airport again waiting for us and to meet Dawson for the first time.  We were SOOOO happy to see Meighan!

Out of our hotel window...Taxis lined up waiting for fares.  This was taken in the morning.  We looked out when we got there the night before and there were 3 times as many!

Dawson and Judah

The plane that would take us home!

Waiting for us to arrive

...with signs!
Here we come!

Our little girl!

All together at last!

And his name is....Dawson Lee Smith!

Right before this picture was taken someone said "1, 2, 3..." and Meighan said "4, 5, 6!"  That's why we all have BIG smiles on our faces!  She brought the house down!